May I Introduce You to Carina Cappuccino?
Classy and sophisticated, Carina effortlessly goes from hot yoga, to work, and then the night out on the town with their friends. Everywhere they go they set the scene and set the trends. People want to be them, and or at the very least orbit around their shining star. They're the living inspiration for the glow up. I wish I could be as cool as Carina effortlessly is. One of the ways we tried to convey that they are high class is that they are rocking the most classy of all jewels - pearls. The internet tells me that "(pearls) provide a sleek and polished look, and that is the reason why many of the modern-day royalties still opt for pearls instead of any other jewelry type." Carina's yoga mat probably has a cool pattern on it too. Mine is gathering dust in the corner and is basic black. While I like to drink a cappuccino, I need my daily coffee to be more mellow and a little more forgiving to the home barista skill (mine). If anyone knows where I can get a green pant suit like theirs, send me a message!