L is for Launch!
After weeks of Nothing? Nothing, tra la la... It's time! Finally we are ready to show the world what we have been working on next to the Alphabet Superset Cubic Zoo. We are ready to unleash the "Monsters in my Project" series. It's a good choice, so chose to come down the rabbit hole of creative monsters. (She chose down!)
Here they are, the five newest monsters of Boom Shark Designs. These are focused on something Shawn knows all too well - the problems that creep up while working on software development, coding, and working as part of a team. They are so universal that you can apply them directly to the technology field but you can also know them all too well outside of it too. When it feels like coding isn't fair, that life isn't fair, just consider which monster you're facing. Do you feel like it is hopeless to face these monsters? Well, not if you ask the right questions.
In my line of work, we like to name the problems we have so that they are less frightening. So we have named: the Feature from the Black Box Lagoon, Tangent Hydra, Scope Creep, Spaghetti Code Monster and Phantom Bug. Tell them, "You have no power over me!" Check them out!
This has been a blog post for the letter L with Struthless' Alphabet Superset using the 1986 classic movie Labrynth as inspiration. Can you find all _7_ references?
1 comment
These are the softest tee shirts I have ever owned. The graphics are amazing! You are a very talented artist!!