H is for (Hat) Heartbreaks
Greetings & Salutations. For Halloween, Minnesota decided to dress up as Christmas giving us a trace to an inch of snow and muck to deal with. It's also much more cold than it was about a week ago. It would be the perfect time to highlight - our hat. You may have noticed over the past few blog post that I really like our embroidered hat that we had available. I highlighted it often because it was a great little hat with a reconfigured version of our Boom Shark Logo on it. Well, without any notice or fan fair, our supplier decided that they were no longer going to carry any embroidered hat any more. Not even another version. So our only hat, the greatest hat of all times, is no longer available. I am heartbroken. I guess it is true that "If You Were Happy Every Day Of Your Life You Wouldn’t Be A Human Being. You’d Be A Game-Show Host." Because here I am, very human and very sad to say, our OG hat has been discontinued.
Until we find another provider to make our hats, we are out of hats. Just in time for winter, when it would be most practical to have a hat. So as much as I wish I could tell you that H is for Hat, it isn't. It is for (Hat) Heartbreaks. RIP OG hat.
Much like the thriller, Heathers, this cultural moment is one to keep in context. The hat will return! It MUST! My drama is proof that "The Extreme Always Seems To Make An Impression." This has been blog post H for the Alphabet Superset, using the 80's movie Heathers as inspiration. "What Is Your Damage, Heather?" Classic.